Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm slow I know

Alright......I know I am not quite up to speed on the whole blog thing like the rest of you. I just don't feel like my life is THAT interesting. I will get better with time I know.
Besides, I was going to take some nice pictures of the family at Easter, but for some reason my wonderful husband decided that this would be a great weekend to loan out the camera to a friend to try !!

I promise I will try to get better sooner than later. :)


Country Mouse said...

so I take it the 100 things and random questions I sent you was not inspiration enough? :) tee hee hee

TracyMichele said...

No problem! I struggled when I got started. Now, I can't seem to shut up. (let's not forget to mention the monster I created in CountryMouse! hehe)

R.M. Jackson said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I'll pop by again to check on your progress. :D